
EPLO's successful side event for the Global Rule of Law Commission at the UN NY

Friday, 01 December 2023

The EPLO organized a side event at the United Nations headquarters in New York in 30 November to inform states about the activities and initiatives of the Global Rule of Law Commission and to explain its usefulness and program for states. The Global Rule of Law Commission was announced at the 6th Committee of the UN General Assembly in 2021 and convenes twice a year at the headquarters of the EPLO Branch in Cascais, Portugal.

Its purpose is to elaborate and promote the idea of the Rule of Law within the framework of a dialogue of civilizations and perceptions as well as the provision of know-how to States wishing to have its support in various aspects of public life.

The side event was conducted in presence of two UN Under-Secretary-Generals, Mr Miguel De Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel who addressed the event and Mr Miguel Angel Moratinos, Under-Secretary-General, High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations. The keynote speaker was the President of the Global Rule of Law Commission, Mr Giuliano Amato, former President of the Constitutional Court and former Prime Minister of the Italian Republic. The event was endorsed and supported by 14 states and was honored by the presence of a great number of esteemed participants.

The Global Rule of Law Institute has been announced


The Institute’s mandate is to develop and promote the Global Rule of Law principles at an international scientific and educational level. Its mission is gradually being evolved under the scientific umbrella of the GRoLC, through which it shall also expand its activities.


The IGRoL assists and supports the GRoLC, follows its discussions, and executes its decisions. Moreover, it contributes to the research and preparation of the Rule of Law Report presented annually by the Commission to the UN General Assembly.

Furthermore, the IGRoL advances and implements various scientific and educational activities. In close cooperation with the European Law and Governance School (ELGS) of the EPLO and the Universities of Portugal, the Institute shall organize postgraduate studies, research activities, events, training seminars, lectures, courses, etc., in the fields of the essential elements of the Global Rule of Law, such as the foundations of the law and democracy, fair justice and judicial independence, human rights, transparency, and anti-corruption, among other significant thematic areas which constitute the principle and concept of the rule of law at an international level, according to the standards of the UN.


The Institute of the Global Rule of Law works under the responsibility of a highly scientific and moral Director, Ms. Teresa Violante, Research Fellow at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Visiting Research Fellow at Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht. Her position is honorary and discretionary.



The IGRoL operates from the Headquarters of EPLO in Cascais. The EPLO allocated scientific personnel to the Institute for elaborating on and implementing its various responsibilities and competencies. Simultaneously, the Municipality of Cascais and the Regional Branch of EPLO in Cascais actively and substantially support the Institute’s functions.

EPLO announces the Global Rule of Law Commission
at the United Nations

Monday, 14 November 2022

The EPLO, having among its aims the promotion of public law and governance worldwide, in cooperation with the United Nations system, established a Global Rule of Law Commission, in the frame of its Global Rule of Law Initiative, which was launched in 2019 at the UN Headquarters.

The objective is to develop a comprehensive Global concept of the Rule of Law with respect to Universal Values and diversity, in a dialogue of civilizations. The Commission shall be available to all the nations to provide, if asked, advice and expertise on issues of Rule of Law.

A side event for the presentation of the Commission, sponsored by the Permanent Representations of Greece, Italy, Mozambique and Portugal to the United Nations took place on 14 November 2022, at conference room 7 at the UN Headquarters in New York.

The event was welcomed by Mr Miguel de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel and by: Ambassador Maria Theofili, Permanent Observer of Greece to the United Nations, Ambassador Maurizio Massari, Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations, Ambassador Ana Paula Zacarias, Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations and Mr Omar Remane, Sixth Committee delegate for Mozambique.

Keynote Speaker was the President of the Committee, Professor Giuliano Amato, former President at the Constitutional Court of Italy, former Prime Minister of the Italian Republic.

The event was chaired and moderated by Ambassador Barbara Faedda, Permanent Observer of EPLO to the United Nations NYC.

EPLO launched its New Global Rule-of-Law Initiative in UN New York

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

EPLO’s new “GLOBAL RULE-OF-LAW INITIATIVE” was launched at the UN Headquarters in New York on November 20, 2019, with the active substantial and organizational assistance, in cooperation with the co-sponsoring states of Armenia, Georgia, India, Angola, Argentina and the support of the Member States of EPLO.

Prof. Giuliano Amato, constitutional judge and former Prime Minister of the Italian Republic was the keynote speaker. Ambassador Maria Theofili, Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations delivered welcoming remarks and spoke about the fruitful cooperation between Greece and the EPLO.  Miguel de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs also intervened at length at the meeting, whereas Dr. Barbara Faedda, EPLO Permanent Observer to the United Nations and Executive Director of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University moderated the panel discussion. In a full room, many state representatives attended, took the floor and praised the organization for this initiative.

The EPLO Global Rule of Law Initiative shall work in developing the concept of the Rule of Law in a perspective of a dialogue of civilizations in equality and respect of all. The Global Rule of Law Initiative is a project designed to provide, through eminent personalities from all geographical regions, technical assistance and expertise on issues pertaining to the rule of law to all states on a voluntary basis, irrespective of whether they are members of the EPLO.

Amb. A.Papakostas, Representatives of Armenia, India, Portugal, Cyprus, Mr. M. de Serpa Soares, Mr. G.Amato, Amb. M.Theofili, Amb. B.Faedda, Representative of Italy, Prof. Sp. Flogaitis, Ms. T. Violante representing Cascais at the EPLO BoD, Representatitves. of Georgia and Argentina. The panel: Mr. G. Amato, Mr. Joao Miguel de Serpa Soares, the Amb. M. Theofili, Dr. B. Faedda, Mr. Sp. Flogaitis The panel: Mr. G. Amato, Mr. Joao Miguel de Serpa Soares, the Amb. M. Theofili, Dr. B. Faedda, Mr. Sp. Flogaitis
The panel: Mr. G. Amato, Mr. Joao Miguel de Serpa Soares, the Amb. M. Theofili, Dr. B. Faedda, Mr. Sp. Flogaitis