Page 12 - Conference on the Future of Europe -Beginning of a New European Union?
P. 12

Conference on the Future of Europe –
                        Beginning of a New European Union?

              The war which Russian waged on Ukraine significantly changed
       the  EU  internal  and  foreign  agenda  and  currently,  the  EU  is  actively
       engaged  in  the  joint  efforts  against  the  Russian  military  assault  in

       eastern Europe.
              The EPLO Regional Branch for South Caucasus, in its analytical
       work of February 14, 2022, in its position paper entitled the Conference
       on  the  Future  of  Europe ,  highlighted  that  the  war  in  Ukraine,  to  a
       significant  extent,  weakened  the  attention  towards  a  very  important
       Europe-wide  discussion  -  the  Conference  on  the  Future  of  Europe
       which was aimed at shaping the future European Union.

              The  above-mentioned  paper  also  explained  that  in  the  recent
       past,  similar  discussions  on  the  future  of  Europe,  called
       “intergovernmental conferences,” took place in 2004, 2007 and 2016 - in
       the first instance, in order to draft a “Constitution of Europe,” then in

       response to the failure of ratification of the Constitutional Treaty and,
       finally,  when  the  results  of  the  referendum  on  “Brexit”  had  been
              EU  institutions,  member  state  governments,  regional  and  local

       municipalities, civil organizations and professional unions as well as EU
       citizens engaged in the work of the conference. It aims at introducing
       new  priorities  and  forms  of  administration  of  the  EU  in  order  to
       transform it into more united, efficient and democratic union.

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