Page 16 - The European Union and the War on Ukraine
P. 16

united  around  the  war  in  Ukraine  than  some  European  governments.
       For the first time, the significant majority of European citizens demands
       from  the  EU  and  the  respective  governments  the  adopting  of

       meaningful decisions and taking actions, and not the other way around,
       as traditionally the EU tries to convince Europeans of the righteousness
       of  various  EU-wide  initiatives.  Europeans  clearly  see  the  war  as  a

       problem not only for Ukraine but for European security and they want
       NATO and the EU to respond to the crisis.
              For  the  first  time,  Europe  is  consciously  willing  to  make
       sacrifices for the sake of stopping the aggression against a non-EU state,

       unlike in 2014 when Europeans did not view the conflict in Ukraine as
       a  European  crisis.  On  March  9,  2022,  in  his  address  to  the  EU
       parliament,  EU  Foreign  Affairs  Chief,  Josep  Borrell,  stated  that  "this

       conflict  will  last,  it  will  not  disappear  overnight"  and  that  "European
       citizens need to turn the heat down in their houses, everybody needs to
       make an effort."
              For  the  first  time,  the  EU  in  an  efficient  and  coordinated

       manner, accepted millions of refugee immigrants after years of disputes
       and  disagreements  concerning  foreigners  willing  to  cross  the  Union’s
       borders.  For  the  first  time,  the  European  Commission  bought  lethal
       arms for a non-EU country at war by using the EU budget. Moreover,

       on March 11, 2022, EU leaders pledged to double financing for military
       aid to Ukraine  worth up to € 500 million through the European Peace
       Facility instrument.

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