Page 17 - The European Union and the War on Ukraine
P. 17

The  united  reaction  of  the  EU  member  states  to  the  Russian
       aggression,  by  its  speed,  scope  and  effectiveness,  as  war  returned  in
       Europe, came as a major surprise for many outside the Union, first and

       foremost the Kremlin. For the first time, the EU member states not only
       spoke  with  one  voice  but  also  began  to  work  hand-in-hand  for
       countering the aggressor country: Poland turned itself into a "logistics

       hub" for the arms deliveries to Ukraine, intelligence-sharing and cyber-
       defence  provided  to  Ukraine  through  the  EU  satellite  systems
       significantly upgraded the Ukrainian military toolbox, tens of thousands
       of EU citizens volunteered to fight alongside the Ukrainians against the

       Russian invaders as Belgian, French, Italian, Latvian, Luxembourg and
       Swedish fighters with military experience arrived in Ukraine, some EU
       governments, such as those in Denmark and Sweden, have given people

       the green light to join the anti-Russia brigades in Ukraine;  Finland and
       Sweden consider joining NATO thus reversing decades of a non-NATO
       policy, Germany intends to increase its defence budget by € 100 billion;
       Hungary, probably closest Russian ally in the EU, voted in favour of the

       unprecedented  scale  of  sanctions  against  the  Russian  Federation;
       Denmark is to hold a referendum on joining the EU defence policy on
       June  1  –  he  Permanent  Structured  Cooperation  (PESCO)   and  even
       neutral  Switzerland  has  lined  up  with  the  EU  to  hit  the  Russian

       financial sector which pays for the war against Ukraine, etc.
              For  the  first  time,  at  the  Versailles  meeting  of  March  10-11,
       2022, the EU member states unanimously agreed to reduce their energy

       18  Under the CSDP, derives from art. 42 (6) of the Treaty on the EU.
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