The Agreement contains an important provision regarding academic qualifications. It states that the degrees and qualifications earned at EPLO-affiliated higher education institutions, including the European Law and Governance School (ELGS), will be recognized in Georgia as of November 1st, 2024, as equivalent to corresponding qualifications issued by Georgia’s Higher Educational Institutions.

This framework represents a significant step toward educational cooperation. After the official recognition from the Republic of Italy, Georgia also offers its support to the academic activities of the EPLO and its European Law and Governance School.

Friday | September 29, 2023

Euronews Presentation of The new book of the Regional Branch of South Caucasus

Presenting a new guide-book of the EPLO Regional Branch for South Caucasus – “Party Politics in the EU” at the Euronews-Georgia on September 29, 2023

Wednesday | September 20, 2023

Meeting with the Teachers’ community of the municipality of Terjola

The civil service representatives, as well as the Teachers’ community of the municipality of Terjola is profoundly pro-European. During the meeting of September 20, 2023 we jointly shed more light on important legal and institutional aspects of the EU decision-making and EU accession process.

Tuesday | September 19, 2023

Presentation of new book

The Director of the EPLO South Caucasus regional branch, Associated Professor of the Caucasus University, Ambassador Ioseb Nanobashvili presented a new guide-book of the representation “Party Politics in the European Union” to students and academic staff of the Caucasus University.
The guide-book offers an innovative approach to comprehending legal and institutional aspects of functioning of the Union through European Party Politics which is being carried out at national and European levels.

Thursday | September 14, 2023

Annual Board of Directors Meeting

An inspiring discussion at the EPLO annual board of Directors meeting 2023 with the Professor Giuliano Amato – The Prime Minister of Italy (1992 – 1993 and 2000-2001), President of the Constitutional Court of Italy (2022); President of the high-level Amato Group on rewriting the “Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe” into the “Treaty of Lisbon”; Current President of the EPLO Rule of Law commission under the UN General Assembly

Tuesday | July 4, 2023

Closing Ceremony of the Awareness Raising Program

A Closing ceremony was held for the joint Awareness Raising Program – “The EU decision-making and unique institutional arrangement; EU Law-making and EU judiciary system” of the EPLO South Caucasus and the ELGS.

Thursday | June 8, 2023

Presentation at the Caucasus University

Director of the EPLO South Caucasus Amb. Ioseb Nanobashvili was a key speaker at the seminar: “Evolution of the EU Supranationalism” based on “L’Europe face au fédéralisme“(1949) by Michel Mousklhely (Mikheil Muskhelishvili) organized by the Caucasus University on June 8, 2023. President of the Caucasus University Mr. Kakha Shengelia took an active part in the discussion and pledged to further support ongoing research activities related to Michel Mousklhely scientific legacy.

Wednesday | May 24, 2023

Pilot-project for Georgian civil servants in the Kakheti municipality

The EPLO South Caucasus is grateful to Nato & EU infocenter for the partnership in launching an awareness-raising pilot-project for Georgian civil servants in the Kakheti municipality – “EU’s unique Institutional and administrative arrangement, EU accession criteria, legal aspects of the EU accession, trajectory and stages.” The project offered to the participants intensive and interactive lecturing session, practical simulation exercise and testing.

Monday | April 20, 2023

Presentation of Research Paper on the “Evolution of the EU Supranationalism”

Director of the EPLO South Caucasus Amb. Ioseb Nanobashvili presented a research paper of the branch “Evolution of the EU Supranationalism” based on „L’Europe face au fédéralisme“ (1949) by Michel Mousklhely (Mikheil Muskhelishvili) at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

Monday | April 3, 2023

Meeting with Mrs. Heidi Grau, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation in Georgia

Meeting between Director of the EPLO South Caucasus Amb. Ioseb Nanobashvili and Ambassador of Swiss Confederation in Georgia Mrs. Heidi Grau

Monday | March 20, 2023

Interview at Euronews-Georgia about the recent research of the Branch on „L’Europe face au fédéralisme“

An interview of Director of the European Public Law Organization Branch in South Caucasus Amb. Ioseb Nanobashvili to Euronews-Georgia about the recent research of the Branch related to „L’Europe face au fédéralisme“, by a French politician of the Georgian descent Mr. Michel Mouskhely 

Friday | March 17, 2023

Graduation of the EPLO South Caucasus “Scholarship program” for the Georgian civil service

In 2021, the EPLO South Caucasus launched a “Scholarship program” for the Georgian civil service. Since then, officials of the Georgian Parliament, various Ministries and Governmental institutions have been benefitting from the program by earning Masters degree in European Law and European Governance at the EPLO Law and Governance University – ELGS. The year of 2022 was no exception. The graduation took place on March 17, 2023 at the EPLO Athens headquarter. The @EPLOSouthCaucasus congratulates successful participants on completion of the Master’s program.

Monday | November 28, 2022

Euronews Interview


Euronews-Georgia story of November 28, 2022 about the EPLO activities in Georgia

Friday | November 25, 2022

Discussion for the participants of the Caucasus University Jean Monnet Center of Excellence


“How the synergy of Supranational and National concepts shapes the decision-making of the European Union” – an interesting discussion led by the Director of the @EPLOSouthCaucasus Amb. Ioseb Nanobashvili for the participants of the Caucasus University Jean Monnet Center of Excellence project – EU Policy Transposition in Georgia (EUPOLTRANS)

Friday | November 18, 2022

Meeting with the EU Ambassador to Georgia Mr. Pavel Herczynski

At the meeting of November 18 2022, the EU Ambassador to Georgia Mr. Pavel Herczynski stated: “the EU Embassy and EPLO South Caucasus are natural allies in strengthening European Values and Standards in Georgia.”

Friday | October 7, 2022

Parliamentary hearing of the first Progress Report of EPLO project

A parliamentary hearing was held on the first Progress Report on the Project: “Compliance of the Georgian Legal system on Youth with the European Standards and evaluation of the implementation of international legal commitments of Georgia in the Youth sector”, which is being run by the EPLO team members on the ground and in the headquarter.

Thursday | July 19, 2022

Meeting with the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic Maria Theodorou

The Meeting with Ambassador Maria Theodorou the parties agreed that EPLO South Caucasus and the Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in Georgia will reactivate the cooperation in order to further promote European Values and Standards in Georgia and the region.

Thursday | July 14, 2022

Final phase of the Scholarship program

The scholarship project for the Georgian Parliament, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education and Science which was initiated by the EPLO Regional Branch in South Caucasus and implemented by the European Law and Governance School is entering its final phase.  

Tuesday | July 12, 2022

Completion of joint project with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia


On July 12, 2022, in cooperation with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, the EPLO Regional Branch in South Caucasus completed a project comprised of two elements:

  • Release of the first EU-related publication in Abkhazian language, Abkhazian version of the EPLO Branch Guidebook – “Seven Steps for Comprehending the European Union”.
  • Certification of successful participants of the EPLO Regional Branch and the EPLO University – European Law and Governance School joint Awareness Raising Program for the administration of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia: “EU decision-making procedures and the role of the EU institutions in these procedures”.

Sunday | March 06, 2022

Presentation of the publication "The EU and its Eastern Neighbors as seen through EU Presidency programs 2001-2021"

The EPLO Regional Branch in South Caucasus, in collaboration with the European Law and Governance School (ELGS) of the EPLO, is pleased to launch the Awareness Raising Program “EU institutional set-up, EU decision-making procedures and the role of the EU institutions in the decision-making process” for the office of the Minister of Justice and Civil Integration Issues of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia. This is an important accomplishment for the Branch within the “Georgian Civil Service Awareness Raising” domain of its activities.

Sunday | March 06, 2022

Presentation of the publication "The EU and its Eastern Neighbors as seen through EU Presidency programs 2001-2021"


Presentation of the publication: “The EU and its Eastern Neighbors as seen through EU Presidency programs 2001-2021” at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

Sunday | March 06, 2022

EPLO Director Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis met with the Vice Prime Minister and the Minister of the Education of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Branko Ruzic


On February 28th 2022 the EPLO Director Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis met with the Vice Prime Minister and the Minister of the Education of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Branko Ruzic. The parties expressed mutual interest for establishing an EPLO branch in the capital of Serbia, Belgrade and discussed modalities of the functioning of the branch.

The branch will assist Serbian governmental institutions, professional and social groups, students of high education institutions to benefit from EPLO expertise and institutional network. Serbia is an EPLO member since June 28, 2010 after it ratified the Agreement on Establishment of the EPLO.

Friday | December 22, 2021

Release of a new research paper: “The EU’s Relations with its Eastern Neighborhood as seen through EU Presidency Programs 2001-2021”.

The EPLO Regional Branch in South Caucasus is pleased to announce the release of its research paper: “The EU’s Relations with its Eastern Neighborhood as Seen through EU Presidency Programs 2001-2021”. The work is thought to be of the interest for experts and scholars which are specialized in the European Union. The goal was to illustrate, through the lenses of EU presidency programs, how the relations between the Union and the regional states have been evolving for the last 20 years.

EU Presidencies 2001-2021

Wednesday | December 13, 2021

The EPLO branch in South Caucasus launched its first scholarship program for the Georgian Civil Service

The EPLO branch in South Caucasus launched its first scholarship program for the Georgian Civil Service – the apparatus of the Parliament of Georgia, as well as administrations of the Ministry of education and science and the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Georgian civil servants will earn degrees of the Master of Law and the Master of Governance at the EPLO International University – The European Law and Governance School (ELGS).


Wednesday | October 25, 2021

Presentation of the guide book “Seven Steps for Comprehending the European Union”


“Seven Steps for Comprehending the European Union” is a guide-book by the EPLO Regional Branch in South Caucasus, released in partnership with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. 7 ”building blocks” – 7 chapters about the Union offer professional expertise and reader-friendly explanations, provide a knowledge for comprehending legal-administrative specificities of the EU institutional set-up, decision-making, EU accession, supranationalism, etc.

Wednesday | September 29, 2021

The Director of the EPLO Regional Branch to South Caucasus Amb. Ioseb Nanobashvili presented information about the Branch’s activities.

The Director of the EPLO Regional Branch to South Caucasus Amb. Ioseb Nanobashvili presented information about the Branch’s activities and future plans to the joint meeting of the Parliamentary Committees for Foreign Affairs and European Integration.


Tuesday | September 21, 2021

Meeting at the EU Embassy with Ambassador Carl Hartzell


Meeting at the EU Embassy with Ambassador Carl Hartzell. The EPLO regional Branch in South Caucasus and the Embassy of the EU in Georgia will collaborate for strengthening EU values and standards through research and education.

Sunday | August 01, 2021

Official Branch Inauguration


Inauguration of the new EPLO Branch in South Caucasus


Inauguration of the new EPLO Branch in South Caucasus

The branch opening was attended by deputy ministers of Georgia for Education and Justice, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to Georgia, as well as the President of the Caucasus University and representatives of the Tbilisi State University. After the opening ceremony attendees took part in the first working meeting of the branch and discussed EPLO activities in South Caucasus for 2021, as well as composition of the Scientific Council of the branch, etc.

Speakers underlined the importance of the branch in activating the EPLO-Georgia cooperation, as well as for strengthening European Values in South Caucasus, expanding and reinforcing principles of the European Public Law and best European practices for democratic governance.

The meeting approved main priorities of the branch for 2021:

  1. Establishment of the regular current and fundamental research format, involving local and international experts. The main focus of the research will be the EU, its institutional set up, strategies and actions relevant to the South Caucasus, topics related to European Public Law and European best practices for democratic Governance. Through such format the branch will “create a knowledge” on abovementioned topics and offer it to governmental institutions, civil and professional groups.
    The format could be gradually extended to other Eastern Partnership countries, EU Candidate Countries (western Balkans) and EU member states (first and foremost the EPLO members), including through engaging EPLO representations and EPLO institutions.
  2. Establishing capacity building programs, first and foremost for the Georgian civil service representatives, as well as professional and social groups. The programs will mainly be focused on challenges to Georgia’s European Integration process. Some programs will be certified by the EPLO and its institutions. To this end, the regular applied and fundamental research will become a primary source for creating a knowledge which in turn will feed the training programs.
  3. The branch will actively facilitate a professional and qualified public debate in the Georgian society on European agenda topics. This in turn, will be conducive to countering anti-European and anti-democratic propaganda, as well as disinformation on European Union and its role in our region. To this end, wide range of events, such as public lectures, discussions, seminars, webinars, etc. will be utilized, including through engaging local diplomatic representations.
  4.  The branch will actively promote opportunities offered by the EPLO institutions, including but not limited to the European Law and Government School; European Institute for Management and Governance; Training Institute of Law and Governance; Institute for Local Governance and policy innovation; Institute for Sustainable Development, etc. Such opportunities will be offered to the Georgian civil service and high education institutions, as well as professional and social groups.
  5. The branch will facilitate the access of professionals and civil servants to the EPLO scientific-research bases and publications: European Review of Public Law; Central and Eastern European Legal Studies; European Politeia; European Papers, etc.
  6. The branch will invite EPLO representations and member Institutions to participate in events and campaigns in support to Georgia’s European Integration.

Sunday | September 13, 2020

Signing of the Agreement on the Establishment of the EPLO Regional Branch in South Caucasus

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Signing the Agreement on the Establishment of EPLO in South Caucasus

sihning 1

Signing the Agreement on the Establishment of EPLO in South Caucasus

On September 13 2020, EPLO on one hand, and the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on the other, signed Agreement on Establishment of the EPLO Regional Branch in South Caucasus. President Flogaitis signed the Agreement in Athens given travel restrictions and logistical complications related to the Global Pandemic.

Monday | September 07, 2020

Appointment of the Director of the Regional Branch in South Caucasus

signing 2

On September 7th the Executive Committee of the EPLO decided and the President of the board of directors and Director of the EPLO Professor Spyridon Flogaitis appointed Ambassador Ioseb Nanobashvili as the director of the Regional Branch. A Note Verbal with respective notification was communicated to the MFA of Georgia.