
10.00-11.00 Welcome Address:

President Carlos Carreiras, Municipality of Cascais, Portugal
Prof. Pedro Romano Martinez, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, Director, European Public Law Organization

11.00-11.15 Coffee break

11.15-13.30 First Session: “The relevance and value of European Integration”
President: Prof. Josè Manuel Servulo Correia, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Keynote speaker:
Mr. Hubert Legal
, Director-General, Council Legal Service, European Union, “Unity and the pace of integration”

General rapporteurs:
Prof. Paul Craig, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, Member of the Venice Commision, “The Rule of Law”
Prof. Luis Maria Diez-Picazo, President of the Administrative Division, Spanish Supreme Court, “Democracy”


13.30-15.30 Lunch break

15.30-18.30 Second session: “The relevance and value of European Integration (continued)”
President: Prof. Maria da Gloria Garcia, Catholic University of Lisbon, Portugal

General rapporteurs:
Prof. Krzysztof Wojtyczek
, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, “Fundamental Rights”
Prof. Giacinto della Cananea, Bocconi University, Italy, “Solidarity”
Prof. Rui LanceiroUniversity of Lisbon, Portugal, “Sincere cooperation and EU integration”

17.30-17.45 Coffee break


9.30-11.30 Third Session: “The Actions of the EU for its Citizens”
President: Prof. Mariana França Gouveia, NOVA University Law School, Portugal

Keynote speaker:
Prof. Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella, Luiss Guido Carli, Italy, “Health and Security”

General rapporteurs:
Prof. Marco D’Alberti, University La Sapienza, Italy, “Competition”
Prof. Takis Tridimas, King’s College London, United Kingdom, “Ten Years of Charter Rights: EU citizens and the ECJ”


11.30-11.45 Coffee break

11.45-14.00 Fourth Session: “The Actions of the EU for its Citizens (continued)”
President: Nicholas Emiliou, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the EU

General rapporteurs:
Prof. Martin Nettesheim, University of Tubingen, Germany, “Social Safety and Social Security”
Prof. Jean-Bernard Auby, Sciences-Po, France, “The contribution of EU Law and Policies to Territorial Development”
Prof. Miguel Prata Roque, University of Lisbon, Portugal ,  “The EU Approach to Technology and the Risk for the Rights of Privacy of its Ctizens”


General Conclusions and Draft EPLO-Cascais Manifesto

in presence of H.E. Hon. Eurico Jorge Nogueira Leite Brilhante Dias, Secretary of State for Internationalization, Portuguese Republic 

Prof. Giuliano Amato, Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Italian Republic, Former Prime Minister of Italy