Page 9 - Position Paper
P. 9

The Rule of Law – EU Founding Principle


              The  Rule  of  Law  is  one  of  the  fundamental  values  of  the

       European Union. Article 2 of the Treaty on the EU names the Rule of
       Law  among  EU  founding  values  such  as  respect  for  human  dignity,
       freedom, democracy, equality, etc.
              The  EU  believes  that  it  may  not  function  unless  Rule-of-Law

       norms  are  guaranteed.  The  Union  is  also  convinced  that  breaches  of
       such  norms  pose  existential  treats  to  the  European  Union.  Thus,  the
       protection of the Rule of Law is a priority for the EU within the Union

       and beyond.
              In  recent  years,  the  EU  has  been  expressing  its  Rule-of-Law
       concerns towards various European states, including Georgia. In 2020,
       the Union decided to hold back the second tranche of macro-financial

       assistance to Georgia on Rule-of-Law grounds. To this end, whether or
       not the decision was a “punitive” measure remains as an open question
       for some representatives of Georgian society. As we will see below, the
       EU  takes  such  decisions  entirely  in  accordance  with  EU  law  and

              In  order  to  close  the  question,  let  us  explore  EU  reactions  to
       Rule-of-Law violations within the Union; that is, with regard to its own
       member  states.  Through  such  an  exercise  we  may  explain  the  EU’s

       decisions which it has been taking towards non-EU partner states.

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