P. 136


                II. The applicant state should become an EU candidate country.
                In order to become an EU candidate, the applicant country needs
            to submit its request for EU membership to the European Council. The
            Council notifies the European Parliament, the European Commission
            and the national parliaments of the EU member states about the
                The Council then tasks the Commission to review the compliance of
            every sector of the applicant state with the EU “Acquis Communautaire”
            – the whole legal base of the EU, including EU treaties, directives and
            regulations, and international agreements, etc.
                Based on its findings, the Commission presents a comprehensive
            document concerning reforms which an applicant needs to implement
            in order to be ready for EU membership. Also, the commission presents
            its recommendation as to whether or not the applicant may be granted
            EU candidate status. If the Commission’s recommendation is positive,
            the Council takes its decision with the unanimity voting rule.

                One may find numerous practical examples of the above-
            mentioned  procedures  by looking back to  the accession process of
            Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in 2022-2024. Indeed, these states
            submitted their application for EU membership to the Council. The EU
            Commission tabled its recommendations for each applicant. Based on
            the recommendations, the Council voted on granting the EU candidacy
            to Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
                III. Accession negotiations between the candidate and the EU
                The EU Council takes a decision by consensus on launching
            accession talks with the EU candidate country. The European Commission
            represents the EU at the talks. As a rule, the negotiations take a few
            years. In the course of the negotiations, the Commission makes a
            regular assessment of the progress achieved by the candidate in all
            spheres and reports to the EU Council and the European Parliament.
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